Summary Othello Act 1

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Act I: Summaries

Scene I:
Scene opens at night in a street in Venice, where Iago and Roderigo are having an argument. The rich gentleman Roderigo has been paying Iago to help him get Desdemona’s affection. They recently found out that Iago’s master, Othello has married Desdemona. Iago does not like his boss as he did not give him a promotion, and says he only pretends to serve him. The men proceed to wake up Desdemona’s father, senator Brabantio, by saying the family has been robbed by thieves. At first, the senator does not believe their claims as he believes it is another of Roderigo’s plots to see his daughter. Iago says Othello and Desdemona are having sex, the senator is quickly convinced and begins the search for his daughter. Iago then returns to Othello, whose part in this scheme is neither disclosed to his master nor to Barbantio. The senator leaves the house and, with Roderigo, goes to find Othello.

Scene II:
Iago gets to Othello and tells him Brabantio will try to make a divorce happen between Othello and Desdemona. A group of men approaches comprised of Cassio, Othello’s lieutenant, and his men who deliver the news that the Duke of Venice would like to see Othello about a matter involving Cyprus. As they begin to leave, Iago tells Casio that Othello is married and soon after, Brabantio and Roderigo arrive. Brabantio orders an attack, but Othello calmly puts it down. Brabantio decides to take this matter to the Duke of Venice.

Scene III:
The Duke’s meeting with other senators about Cyprus is twice interrupted: the first, as a messenger comes in and says the Turks have changed course (this is seen as a plot to deceive Venice) and a second time when another messenger enters and says the Turks have gathered more forces and are returning to Cyprus. Othello, Brabantion, Roderigo, and Iago then interrupt the meeting a third time. The senator asks
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