Summary Of The Novel 'The Year Of Wonders'

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d1. Activity: Show you understanding of the historical context of The Year of Wonders and how it links to the novel by filling in the chart below. You may refer to the PPT for historical facts. Please try and include as much detail/examples as possible when completing the second column | Important Historical Fact | What is important that happens in the novel based upon this history | The plague | Known as black death, almost 100 million killed within and around Europe. | You see a lot of people betraying and leaving their city and towns because they were told to barricade them selves. | Medicine | different types off medical care was used in the early 1300 that little to prevent anytime of sickness | | Women | Were often accused of being witches, being ill, treated un humanely and punished by different people even by their husbands. | Treated as if they were animals and not looked at as if they are humans. | Witches…show more content…
| In the book growing suspicions of witches and witch craft surrounds many characters in the book | Religion | Strong Christian belief religion wise any other religion was not welcomed | George was a free thinker and did not really follow any religion as he believed in illicit love | The meaning of the character’s names – The names of the main characters have been chosen very deliberately by Brooks to reflect their characteristics. Look at the meaning of the character’s names below and brainstorm three ways for each character that their name reflects their nature: Anna: the meaning of the name is grain. Michael: When God cast Lucifer out of heaven and into hell the archangel Michael was the one God used to do it. He is the soldier of

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