Stylistic Analysis Of The Excerpt From The Novel ‘

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Stylistic analysis of the excerpt from the novel ‘Dombey and Son’ by Ch. Dickens The fragment of emotive prose, which has been chosen for a stylistic analysis is from the novel ‘Dombey and Son’ by Ch. Dickens. Charles Dickens is the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era and he remains popular, responsible for some of English literature's most iconic characters. The following analysis of an excerpt from ‘Dombey and Son’ can serve as a perfect example of the paragraph - by paragraph analysis of the text. The excerpt consists of three paragraphs. The idea expressed in this fragment can be stated as follows. The writer is trying to show the nature of the main character - Dombey. Readers feel tension and coldness of the atmosphere, which reigned in the house of the character, thanks to language of the writer and stylistic devices, which he employs. Dombey was a very cool-headed, calculating person and he was indifferent to all people and things, which couldn’t be of use for his business. Therefore he was very glad when his wife gave birth to his long-awaited heir, as Dombey’s elder daughter was absolutely useless for it. His heart was melancholy. Everything around him was cheerless, and it reveals his nature as prudent, harsh man. For this purpose it would be enough to depict only the atmosphere in his house, but the writer uses nine consecutive sentences dealing with one, melancholy world, which was around Dombey. Usually, the christening of the child is the happiness and excitement for all his relatives, but we can notice the opposite emotions in this fragment. It’s the tension, discontent at this event and it seems, that the nature is also opposed to these christening. ‘It happened to be an iron-grey autumnal day, with a shrewd east wind blowing — a day in keeping with the proceedings’. The main stylistic devices employed in the first

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