Studying Pop Culture

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The dictionary basically states that pop culture is, “cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people.” ( Popular culture is everywhere. You know it when you come to the Internet, listen to music, watch television or go to a movie, concert or stage show. You know the artists, the actors and actresses, sports personalities and the games they play. Today, anything with a buzz is deemed pop culture. Broadly defined I think. Each one of us has our own pop culture menu. Look at your apps, your bookmarks, your songs playlist, TV shows, and movies: what you’re saying on your favorite social net. Smartphones today are the center of your pop culture. Pop culture is more of a personal liking from one person to another were as the dictionary states general mass of people. It is each as own. Although not used in our lexicon back then - modern pop culture (as we know it) began with the baby boomer generation and "buying power." As boomers came of age with their disposable incomes - that influence led the pop culture revolution. It began during the 1950's with rock n' roll, TV, Dick Clark and the hoola hoop, transistor radios, into the 1960's and beyond. Before that if you listened to rock and roll you were a satin worshiper by the white folk or if you listened to the blues you loved blacks. Problems in defining genre often arise because there are frequently sub-genres: romantic comedy might be considered a sub-genre of comedy, revenge tragedy of tragedy and gothic horror of horror. It becomes increasingly difficult to see where one sub-genre ends and another begins. Another issue is with self-esteem and culture. What you should look like, what you should wear, what you should eat and you’re not cool if you don’t. All you read about is what is in and cool. When you look up

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