Strengths and Weaknesses of Situation Ethics

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Situation Ethics: Strengths: • It is personal – situation ethics is sensitive to circumstances and traditions. Every moral decision that is made by a person requires thinking of others and understanding that the action must be beneficial to others. • The same situation may require different actions to be taken at different times. Situation allows room for decisions to be made based on what is best to do at a particular time. • The only moral rule of agapeistic love – thinking of other before yourself and acting in accordance to that – encourages people to act in regards to the well-being of others than themselves. Surely this makes society a better place? Weaknesses: • Excludes a majority of universal truths. • The idea of love being an absolute moral principle defeats the major point of situation ethics. Situation ethics is a branch of relativism which argues that there are no moral absolutes, so therefore saying that love is the only moral rule is self-contradictory. • It can be difficult to implement in both a personal sense and in society as a whole. No one can fully understand and take into account every single consequence of an action regardless of how intelligent they may be. Therefore no one can be sure that his or her action will cause no pain, and will be beneficial to everyone involved. • Situation ethics can even be a way to approve of what are considered in society as ‘evil’ acts. For example, killing or lying may in fact be right in situation ethics, if it leads to a sufficiently good result. Perhaps, lying to someone to ensure that no pain is caused is a good act? Or even killing a person in self-defence is acceptable. However, surely lying and killing in general are bad acts, so how can they be
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