Stereo Types Essay

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Unhealthy Stereotypes Today’s media has a huge impact on people of all ages. It has become a more powerful force in stereotyping towards women and men in society. It causes many women and men of all ages to struggle to maintain and up keep the identity expected or caused my media. Stereotype in the media affect both women and men on how they are seen and treated in society. Stereotyping as used in sociology is a widely well-known idea or oversimplified image of a person that are applied to all members of a social category An examples would be “nerds” an image for people that wear glasses and have tape holding them together, that read a lot and work with computer all the time. Although a media stereotype is “An ethnic stereotype is a simplified and often misleading representation of an ethnic group, composed of what are thought to be typical characteristics of members of a given ethnic group” (Wikipedia.) An example would be fat means your ugly, and thin mean you’re prettier. Traditionally the female stereotypic is to marry and have children, and put her family welfares before her own. Also be loving, compassionate, caring, nurturing and sympathetic; and find time to be sexy and feel beautiful. The male stereotypic is to be the financial provider. Also the assertive, competitive, independent, courageous and career-focused; hold his emotions in check and always initiate sex (Houghton.) Although with media today I think creates more unhealthy stereotypes of men and women. For women it “physical characteristics, such as being thin, long legs slim hipped, large breasted and a nice even skin tone, and as for men’s physical characteristics would be, being muscular fit and possessing a full head of hair. There are some characteristics that are desirable for both women and men. That would be, being tall, fit, athletic, young, and light skinned”(McConnell.) Which
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