Slumdog Millionaire Story Vs Plot

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Slumdog Millionaire: Story vs. Plot The movie Slumdog Millionaire takes place in India. The movie reveals a side of India that many viewers never knew of “the slums”. These slums are areas with run down housing that looks like shacks which millions reside in. Most of the people India that live in slums are in poverty, hardly any education and never contribute anything to their society. Indians who live in slums have a small chance at being successful in life. The character Jamal shows this struggle viewing his life from the slums learning life lessons which he uses as a stepping stool in life. The story Slumdog Millionaire shows material of the slums with thefts, beggars, prostitution and murders all within their mist. Meaning that poverty has risen to a point where in order to make money people even kidnap children and make them learn these things working for them. These children will grow up and continue to do the same thing because this was the only mentality they were taught to be successful. There a clip where Jamal and his older brother Salim slums have been attacked by a riot and their mother is now died becoming orphans. After the riot they meet Latika, another child from their slum and she goes along being their third musketeer. They come in contact with this man name Maman who starts to take care of them but quickly learn that he is blinding children in order to make them more profitable as singing beggars. This clip shows how they trick children which make them no longer put their trust in someone else. Another clip shows the brothers a few years later from riding trains selling stolen goods pretending to be tour guides and Lakita being raised to be a prostitute. This meaning that either one of the three characters have escaped so far this slum mentality with the only way of living in survival. All of the material filmed in the movie is showed to give

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