Share Jesus Without Fear Book Report

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BOOK CRITIQUE (_Share Jesus Without Fear_ by William Fay with Linda Evans Shepherd) Thomas Loman Student # 1195404 EVAN 565 Dr. David Wheeler Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary November 8, 2009 Bibliographical Entry Author Information According to his website (, William “Bill” Fay desires to help people everywhere understand and communicate the saving news of Jesus Christ. Bill grew up in an upper-middle class home with the proverbial “silver spoon” in his mouth. At age 16 he got a girl pregnant and decided to marry her. After graduating from college Bill divorced his first wife, married his second wife,and began to pursue his career in sales in Atlanta, GA. Upon taking a trip to Las Vegas, Mr. Fay wasintroduced to the Mafia and began laundering money all over the country. Shortly thereafter he relocated to Houston, TX to take over as the manager of a major corporation. A few years later, Bill left his second wife to…show more content…
This is a precarious title considering the fact that on page 37, Mr. Fay actually says that it is “perfectly OK” for a Christian to have fear when sharing their faith. He even makes mention that the Apostle Paul went to share his faith in “weakness and fear and with much trembling,” which is an allusion to Paul’s words to the Church at Corinth in 1 Corinthians 2:3. Bill Fay also states that he cannot promise the Christian that their fear will “go away completely” when they share the gospel, but that it will “get easier”. With this being said, maybe a better title for the book would have been the converse—“Share Jesus WITH Fear,” but alas, that probably wouldn’t sell as many copies because many Christians are more interested in doing that which is easy rather than that which is

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