Shakespeare's Dramatic Monologue

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How does Shakespeare present the flaws in Macbeth and in The Laboratory and The Last Duchess? Shakespeare shows in Macbeth how the character of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth has big ambitions to complete and they take on pride. Likewise in the Labotory, the speaker who is the women takes on the leadership in this theme as the flaws within her character is similar to Lady Macbeth. Browning presents the duke in my last duchess to be manipulative as you are trying to figure out if he was the one to kill his wife or not. The structure of Macbeth is a dramatic monologue as well as The Laboratory and The Last Duchess. The use of the dramatic monologue is to develop a characters persona. In Macbeth the monologue is himself imagining and seeing different signs saying he should kill Duncan. ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?’ This quote indicates that he is uncertain whether he is actually seeing this dagger in reality or as a vision. This symbolizes that he is power hungry, as he wants to become kings so he will do anything to succeed in this. The Laboratory is also a dramatic monologue expressing how the speaker wants to kill three women with a potion. She then starts to have doubts whether it would work or not. ‘The colour’s too grim’ this quotes implicates that she is second guessing whether should kill these women or not. Likewise in Macbeth he was thinking twice before he killed Duncan. The speaker in the Laboratory is talking to someone else who is most likely to be the person who she is using to make the potion for her. By her creating a potion this is a sense of witchcraft, which is what is used in Macbeth as the witches, tell Macbeth about the prophecies. My last duchess is a dramatic monologue where you explore the character of the Duke and his late wife. In the monologue you start to acknowledge the fact that perhaps
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