Examples Of Greed In Macbeth

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Macbeth Essay | September 5 2012 “For greed all nature is too little.” – Seneca. In Shakespeare’s novel “Macbeth” greed came from the lust for power. Macbeth was a Scottish General and the Thane of Glamis, before he became power hungry. Macbeth met three witches, and they told him about the prophecies he would soon encounter. The first prophecy was that Macbeth would become Thane of Cawdor, and then the King of Scotland. Macbeth doesn’t believe the prophecies until the first one comes to. From that point his greed for power had come to life, with the influence of his wife Lady Macbeth. The women in this novel also have a sense of greed, violence, and are evil. The spark to Macbeth’s greed, ambitions, and violent behavior came from the three witches.…show more content…
One of the victims’ husbands (Macduff) finds out about the murders of his wife, and children; he is encouraged to take the news and handle it in a manly way. Macduff decide he is going to seek revenge against Macbeth. Macduff meets up with Macbeth and reveals some information about he was born through a C-Section. Macbeth then gives up on fighting Macduff, and realizes it is his destiny to die in the hands of him. Macbeth is then killed, and his head is put onto a pole, and then presented to Malcolm; who becomes the king of Scotland. In concluding this essay from reading the novel readers will realize greed takes a toll on a person’s personality. Greed will turn a non-violent person, into someone who becomes violent in order to get what they want. A person will become ambitious to get what they want and make sure they are the only person with it. In the novel Macbeth wanted all the power to himself, and did whatever he could to get it. Greed will have a person brainwashed, and they will only see things for themselves. Macbeth is a good example of some who allowed greed to take over his

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