Sergie Witte Policies

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Sergie Witte's attempts to modernise the Russian economy during the period 1892-1903 were very successful. How far do you agree? Sergie Witte made several attempts to modernise Russia during the period during the period 1892-1903, however they were not always successful in the grand scheme of things in the country as he successfully freed serfs, however they were not completely free and were still heavily taxed. He however did manage to somewhat modernise Russia but one could argue that it was not to a great enough extent. Sergie Witte's aims included creating a bigger business class as that is what was driving other countries forward such as Britain and Germany. Witte felt that if he could increase the Russian economy’s working class and the same would happen for them. He tried to fulfil this aim by industrialising cities with factories so that the business class would grow, however the working class therefore also grew resulting in a massive growth in population and so living and working conditions decreased in quality. Although Witte's system was somewhat working, there were many problems which allowed revolution to evolve and grow stronger in the minds of the lower class. Another aim of Witte was to free the serfs. This was mainly to grow the workforce in cities and to please the lower classes who had been oppressed by the Tsarist system. He succeeded in freeing the serfs but somewhat failed in what happened after they were freed. They were not technically completely free as they could not leave their village without the permission of the village elders (mir), which was rare. This meant that the workforce couldn’t be fully harnessed. Also the newly freed serfs were heavily taxed and had to pay redemption payments to the government over a 49 year period. Witte wanted to exploit the resources within and around Russia which he achieved quite well with
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