Sci 207 Final

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ABSTRACT Three experiments were completed to determine the quality of water that had been contaminated, soiled, and to determine the differences between the water that comes from a kitchen sink and the elegantly bottled water that is conveniently sold in the store. Using various Earth materials (sand, rock, soil, and charcoal) combined with scientific materials (beakers, funnel, and alum), the first two experiments tested the effect of contaminated waters filtered through a simple soil filter, as well as a complex Earth model filter. The final experiment used various test strips to test certain potential differences between tap water and bottled water. Testing Man’s Naiveté of Our Water Quality Drinking water in the United States has undergone many quality standard transformations throughout the 1900’s up until present day. There are many rules to follow when building structures, removing waste, and even when it comes to farming in all its forms. These rules are implemented to help in lessening pollutants that can be harmful to humans and wildlife alike. Some of the most common pollutants are pesticides, pathogens, oil, and heavy metals. Once these enter our water system, they have the potential to throw our entire ecosystem of kilter. In 1948, Congress enacted the first act regarding the control of water pollution, simply named the Water Pollution Control Act of 1948. Under this act, principles were undertaken that required cooperation on state and federal levels, as well as limited enforcement and financial assistance in backing these principles on the federal level. This act was the beginning of several laws/acts/principles that would emerge in creating a solid foundation for water quality standards. By 1965, there were regulations being put in place to develop quality standards for interstate waters. The early 1970’s found the Federal government
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