Satirical Essay

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Satirical pieces are The Onion’s specialty, and this piece published circa 1999 is all about “pseudoscience” and “MagnaSoles.” The author of this article sets a sardonic and mocking tone by falsifying the product while poking fun at it. Advertising being pushed to the limit happens to be the victim of satirical ridicule here, based on the fact that companies attempt to push a product onto customers. In lines 4-5, the author states that the MagnaSoles were made "using no fewer than five forms of pseudoscience." This conveys alliteration, which marketing companies use. This also exposes marketing techniques and mocks them, resulting in humor. With phrases such as "harnesses the power of magnetism," and "align the biomagnetic field around your foot," the author further mocks how a consumer is easily fooled by trusting in big words that often sound correct. Where a marketing company would usually attempt to reassure the reader that the product and creator serves as trustworthy, this author mocks it by using diction such as "its," and "features more than 200 isometrically aligned Contour Points," should give the reader a reassuring emotion or portray logos; however, the authors tone reveals sarcasm. Plenty of false scientific terms (hence the name ‘pseudoscience’) are also meant to lure the consumer into buying the product. Terms such as “kilofrankels,” that have nothing to do with science, are employed in order to make the MagnaSoles seem much more extravagant than they really are. These false scientific terms are mentioned ten times in the essay and make absolutely no sense, but are meant to appeal to consumers. Also, the testimonials that citizens give did a fantastic job of mocking what people will say in order to promote what they are selling. Helene Khun of Edison, NJ stated that after twisting her ankle “something awful,” the MagnaSoles

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