Sample Essay

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1.It has been suggested that fantasy literature is inappropriate for children, as it does not prepare them for adult life in the real world. Discuss this idea, by arguing for and against the relevance and use of reality and the fantastic in Literature and how it impacts our lives and those of children, using both one of the fictional texts we have studied (either Charlotte’s Web or The Paper Bag Princess) and one of the non-fictional texts we have studies (either Hana’s Suitcase or And Tango Makes Three). Your essay should focus on the role of reality and the fantastic in relation to three of the following literary devices: character, setting, theme and tone. 它已被提出,幻想文獻是兒童不宜的,因為它沒有在現實世界中製備其中對成人生活。討論這個想法,通過爭論和反對的針對性和利用現實和夢幻般的文學以及它如何影響我們的生活和那些孩子們,同時使用一個虛構的文本,我們已經研究了(無論是夏洛特的網或紙袋公主),我們有研究(無論是花的行李箱或和探戈做三)非虛構文本之一。你的文章應該著眼於現實的作用和神奇的就3以下的文學設備:角色,場景,主題和基調。 2. Literature that lasts from generation to generation is termed a classic. Literature of today is termed contemporary. Choose one classic studied (either Charlotte’s Web or The Paper Bag Princess) and one contemporary (either Hana’s Suitcase or And Tango Makes Three) children’s book or story and compare the two. Consider why the work has become a classic. Are the literary elements handled differently? 文學,持續一代又一代被稱為經典之作。今天的文學被稱為當代的。選擇一個經典的研究(無論是夏洛特的網或紙袋公主)和一個當代的(無論是花的行李箱或和探戈做三)兒童書或故事,比較這兩種。考慮為什麼工作已成為經典。是文學元素不同的處理? 3. Examine the illustrations in both And Tango Makes Three or The Paper Bag Princess and compare/contrast how the use of line, colour, shape, and/or texture – i.e., the stylistic decisions behind an illustration – add to or complement plots, characters, settings, and themes in the stories? 檢查中均插圖和探戈做三或紙袋公主和比較/對比如何使用線,顏色,形狀,和/或紋理 - 也就是說,後面的說明,文體決定 - 增加或補充情節,人物,設置,並在故事的主題? 4. Social issues are a part of life and our society. For example, divorce, abuse, alcoholism, racism etc. Many authors

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