Role of Women in a Midsummer Night's Dream

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ENG1D1 Mr.Loh June 13th 2014 1 The Role of Women in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream In A Midsummer Night’s Dream written by Shakespeare, the role and friendship of women are portrayed as complicated – even more complicated than a woman’s relationship with a man. The complex portrayal of women and their relationships with one another are created and understood in more than on specific way. Several examples of friendships between women are found to be built upon a weak start, which eventually replaces their loyalty to men when tested. On the other hand, those friendships are also built upon a stronger beginning, which falls apart when jealousy and misunderstandings come in to play. Titania, Hermia, Helena, and Hippolyta are the women in this play that show various ways of how friendships are complicated. Titania, the Queen of the Fairies, takes care of a changeling boy, whom her husband, Oberon, wants as his own slave; but her love for the boy and his mother, she creates a stir in the play. Hermia and Helena’s friendship goes back to their childhood days as best friends. Their path in friendship take a turn when Hermia and Lysander want to run away and get eloped, Helena tells the apple of her eye, Demetrius – who was ordered by Egeus (Hermia’s father) to marry his daughter – which causes catastrophe. Hippolyta is the Queen of the Amazons also, the soon to be wife of Theseus – the Duke of Athens. Hippolyta wasn’t too excited to marry Theseus in the beginning but later on grew to be happier due to his blessing upon four lovers. These four women reveal that their friendship between each other is more than powerful than the love for men. Titania: powerful, graceful, yet sassy. In the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1, lines 18-27, Puck – Oberon’s attendant – tells a fairy that works for the Queen, “The King doth keep his revels here tonight. Take
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