Rhetorical Theory Essay

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Jeremy Cooper Rhetoric Theory The definition that best fits my description of rhetoric would be the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion skill in the effective use of speech. Rhetoric is the effective use of language. Many great orators use rhetoric in many ways to reach their audience. Many of the great philosophers used rhetoric as a way to persuade others. Plato: “Rhetoric is the art of winning the soul by discourse.” Aristotle: “Rhetoric is the faculty of discovering in any particular case all of the available means of persuasion.” Cicero: “Rhetoric is one great art comprised of five lesser arts: invention, disposition, elocution, memoria, and pronuciato. Rhetoric is speech designed to persuade.” All of these philosophers have this definition in common, that rhetoric is the art of persuasion. Rhetorical theory is a way for people to analyze how persuasion can be used successfully. If you are reading a speech which is trying to persuade you of something, most likely there will be much rhetorical theory without the reader realizing. They include different emotions, questions; facts and figures which make the audience see where the writer or speaker is coming from. The most common use of rhetorical theory is used within political speeches. Here you will find that the speaker is going to be used a certain tone of voice, is going to be asking the audience questions and then answering them and using emotional factors to ensure that they have the attention of the audience and that they are making them think. Most likely you have sat and watched a speech on TV and thought about the questions that they speaker was saying. You are not expected to answer them but you are expecting to think about them and then take the speakers point of view on the subject. Also used within articles which are written to persuade and many different
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