Belonging in Relationships: Analyzing 'The Crucible'

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A feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship, developed over a period of time. To what extent do you support this viewpoint In the play the crucible the town of Salem is segregated into those who have been accused of witchcraft and those who follow the church which also acts as the legislative body. This witchcraft hysteria brought by the young girls blinds Salem and causes the execution of many. Abigails adulterous acts with proctor shows the individual potential to damage relationships and push people into a sense of not belonging. Proctors actions made him not belong to the town for he was a sinner and had gone against the church. Proctor had a choice to stand with the rest of the community or go with his wife. He first belonged to the community in fear and at a point did not agree or deny ‘”I have no knowledge of it ;the bible speaks of witches, and I will not deny them”( proctor act II). His moral standing is challenged where proctor must choose between living in a town with a sense of not belonging and contributing to hysteria or stand beside his wife and hang. ‘for now I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor’ (proctor act IV) proctor referring to himself in the third person shows he is reflecting on his decision to sign the confession, he finally sees he is doing something right by the woman he belongs to. His decision pronounces that the desire to belong can cause people to commit actions of extreme consequences as he goes with Elizabeth. Here belonging was created because of the strong relationship between the husband and wife. The character reverend hale goes through a personal journey throughout the play arriving as a impartial outsider. [delighted] Mr Hale! Oh! It’s good to see you again ! (Parris act I) At Hales arrival Reverend Parris gives him an overfriendly welcome to Salem. Instantly swarmed

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