Rehabilitation of an Ankle Sprain

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Rehabilitation of an Ankle Sprain Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries for an athlete, they often occur again and again. It is essential for an optimum recovery that the injured athlete goes through a full rehabilitation program. When an athlete sprains their ankle, the first thing to do is to make sure that whatever footwear is being worn, is not removed and that they do not attempt to put weight on the ankle as this could just make the injury worse. A protocol that is used to help diagnose and treat the injury is SALTAPS. This should be used as soon as the injury occurs. S stands for see the injury occur and look at the mechanism of the injury. A stands for ask the player what happened, where they’re injured and how bad the pain is. L stands for look at the injury, redness, deformities and bleeding or inflammation. T stands for touch the injury or area around injury to see if you can feel heat, also ask injured athlete if they feel pain while you’re touching the injured spot. A stands for active movement, see if the athlete can move the injured area. P stands for passive movement, try to move the injured spot. S stands for strength. If both passive and active movements are done with no pain, try the next level which consists of trying a resistance movement to see if any pain occurs. The next protocol to be used is RICE. This involves resting, icing, compressing, and elevating. The injured ankle should be rested immediately; this will stop the injury to be further aggravated which would cause more pain. Resting should be done until the ankle feels better. Next comes the ice. Icing should be done in twenty minute intervals; this will reduce the swelling and make the physical pain decrease for a while. Then, the sprained ankle should be compressed. At this stage, the athlete should use an air cast ankle support. This will prevent most sideways

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