Reflective Essay on Crime and Punishment and the Stranger

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Reflective Essay 399 Words IB English 12 Reflecting on the interactive orals we’ve had in class, I’ve come to the realization that I now have a better understanding of The Stranger by Albert Camus and Crime and Punishment by Feodore Dostoyevsky. I learned to understand how a motif or theme can affect the development of a character. Also I now understand the difference between nihilist and absurdist attitudes in characters. Discussing the contrast of how Mersault, form The Stranger and Raskolnikov, from Crime and Punishment reacted to the same homicidal behavior helped me develop a better understanding of the plots of the novels. In The Stranger the motif of light and heat disturbed the protagonist Meursault. The light and heat distracted him from his mother’s passing at her funeral and wake. We discussed how the heat did everything from distract to enrage Meursault. Meursault blamed his homicidal actions on the sun. In class we examined the motif of doubt, guilt and redemption in Crime and Punishment. We discussed that not only did Raskolnikov have feelings of doubt, gilt and a longing for redemption but Sonia did also. Raskolnikov doubted his ability to murder the pawnbroker, felt guilt and wanted redemption after doing so. Unlike Raskolnikov, Meursault didn’t want to be saved or granted redemption. He wanted to sleep until the day of his death. Meursault was a nihilist. I learned that nihilism is the belief that nothing really eistst and life has no meaning. I realized during interactive orals that Meursault viewed life as ‘nothing’ which is why he was so nonchalant in everything he did. Raskolnikov was an absurdist. Absurdism is the belief that everything in life is purposeless and doesn’t have a real meaning; life is absurd. I realized that Raskolnikov was an absurdist because he couldn’t find or understand the meaning or motives behind anything. For
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