Reflection on Dying

1200 Words5 Pages
Dying. Dying, most of us are never taught how to die. From the moment we are born we are taught pretty much everything, either by someone else or ourselves how to do everything it is we do in life, …except die. In some cultures, especially western, people don’t like to talk about it. Why is that? I believe its because of the fact that because we were never taught how and don’t know we are afraid of it. Just like most things we don’t know how to do. Although all people die, everyone's dying process is unique. Many people think of dying as merely a physical process, but dying is an experience of the whole person and is influenced by a combination of physical, psychological, social, cultural, and spiritual factors. There are as many ways to die as there are to live, so in order to better understand how people who are dying experience the process, different models or theories have been developed that attempt to account for how people cope with dying. I believe the purpose of this book is just that, to teach people, and those assisting them at the time, how to die, and more importantly, what to do in the days, weeks, and months leading up to it. The common theme to me was that the better spiritual shape you’re in to die than the better it will be physically on you as well. In order for you to have a peaceful death you must have a peaceful life, and in order to have a peaceful life you must have God in you life. Most of the examples in this book dealt with an individual that did not make God the center of their life. So consequently when they learned they were going to die they did not have peace in their lives to deal with this news. Not only does it affect the one who is passing but also the family members. All of us have issues, some more serious than others. But when you don’t deal with these, especially the serious ones, before you die they can cause more suffering on
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