Rebellion In George Woodcock's A Social History Of Canada

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In 1885 there was a rebellion in Canada over the Red river settlements on which the Métis people lived. It was the first war in which Canadians fought against Canadians. Ever since that event in history many have tried to retell the story of that Battle. Only few have told that story and not come off sounding Bias towards one of the two groups that fought. After reading three sources on the Red River Rebellion I found that they all had some fact but only one was the least biased. This source was the excerpt from A Social History of Canada By George Woodcock. The other sources had some facts but they also had more of an opinionated or Comedic bias. In this paper I will discuss why George Woodcock is most accurate in his retelling of the Red river rebellion over Charles Mulvaney, and Chester Brown. In George Woodcock’s A Social History of Canada he has one view and that is to carry out the story through his evidence and portrayal that it was through the neglect of the government and the psychological problems of Louis Riel that . He said “The Old West did not die quietly.”(1) This means that both sides of the rebellion put up a good fight and not just in the battle they fought for many years over the land of their ancestors that was taken from them. “By the early 1880’s not only the Métis but also the English-speaking mixed bloods and even the white settlers were becoming disturbed by the fact that the dominion surveyors were moving through the prairies, laying out the land in square townships…show more content…
This is because everyone has an opinion and everyone wants to voice that opinion even if it is hidden in their books or in their words. They need to voice themselves just as these three men did in their books. So whether it is a History book or a Comic Strip. Everyone can be bias and have their own opinions on
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