Reasonable Doubt In The ICC Research Paper

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Reasonable Doubt in the ICC The Rome Treaty for the ICC is comprised of 116 articles and more than 200 wordings on the subjects of war crimes, crimes against humanity and Genocide. With over 100 different countries debating these wordings, the court system will be greatly bogged down. The court itself threatens American and other states sovereignty, and has the ability to grow into a jurisdictional leviathan. There are supporters that want to give the court such powers as: the ability to prosecute drug trafficking, series threats to the environment, and committing outrages on personal dignity. In short, many of the legal safeguards American citizens enjoy under our constitution would not be guaranteed under the ICC. An issue with effective evidence for defense is also a problem with the ICC. Proff. Alfred Rubin of Tuffs University explains: "documents and testimony needed for an effective defense are hard to expose, there is no reason to expect the Bosnian Serbs to publish their internal records, or that the Serbian Serbs would want them". Diminished sovereignty Proponents for the ICC also argue the court is meant to compliment the states own criminal justice system, and is…show more content…
The fifth, which states: no person shall be compelled in a criminal case to be a witness against himself" The Court however, can call on a witness to provide evidence against himself, and if he doesn't do so it can be interpreted as guilt. The fifth amendment also state " no person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life and limb. In the ICC, no such luck, remember they have that de facto power which give the court the right to determine if the trial was good or not. The Sixth allows for a person to be confronted with the witness against him. The in Rule 75 the ICC doesn't even need a witness to convict, or the witness can remain

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