Reading And Writing For Knowledge

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Robert Shaffer Ms.Crider TTH 12:45 13 February 2011 Reading and Writing for Knowledge Reading and writing have long been conspired to be related activities. They have been treated by teachers as essential components of language arts. Reading and writing development are characterized by gradually rule and that the learner is an active problem solver who is influenced by knowledge, text and content also they are a consideration of ways in which life experiences as well as the uses and functions of reading and writing not only affects the acts of reading and writing and how they relate/ Reading and writing start out in the early years. Children use signs and symbols to grow and convey meaning. As if they are first acquiring codes to use in the world today. We learn when we are children we realize the more we learn more about reading and writing the more our world is opened up to new adventures. In some walks of life all over the world people cannot read and write and they are stuck in the poverty world, they could try to get themselves out of their situation but they choose not even to try and they were never urged their children to do any better and they will be stuck in this life like in “Plato’s The Allegory Of The Cave” where they are chained to the wall any only be able to see what is in front of them. (Plato 319) The prisoners would take the shadows to be real things and the echoes to be real sounds, not just reflections of reality. They will always be in the cave because they are afraid of what is in the outside world. Shaffer 2 Some people also want certain types of people in life to just stay “stupid” as they say because they are afraid of what they might become if they acquire knowledge that’s like when I

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