Radical Leadership Essay

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1. Describe Ricardo Semler’s leadership style. What do you think might be the advantages and drawbacks of his style? Ricardo Semler is known to be one of the greatest business men of all time. He runs Semco Company, which previously, was run by his father. At the age of 21, Ricardo became the CEO of the company. His father was known to use traditional management to run the company, but Ricardo decided to manage it differently. Ricardo started running the company by firing all the top managers and hiring young innovative employees that he knew could adjust to his style of running the company (Semler, R. (1994). Why My Former Employees Still Work for Me. Harvard Business Review, January-February 1994. Reprint #94112). People may have doubted that he’d be able to be a successful business man, seeing as he became the CEO right after graduating Harvard Business College, but Ricardo proved them wrong. In 2003, he led the company to an annual turnover of 212 million dollars (Semler, R. (2004). The Seven-Day Weekend: Changing The Way Work Works. New York: Warner Books). Now, people may wonder how that happened. Ricardo treated his employees as adults; therefore, they acted like adults. He gave his employees the opportunity to evaluate not just themselves, but their managers as well. Also, they were given the chance to rate themselves and choose a salary for themselves. He decided that the company’s accounts would best be published internally, so that the employees would see how well the company is doing and its performance. Another thing that he did was allowing his employees to dress however they pleased and work wherever they liked in the company (Semler, R. (1993). Maverick: The Success Story Behind The World’s Most Unusual Workplace. New York: Warner Books). These changes made the company grow positively and considerably both in production and acquisition. Despite

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