Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Drug Screening

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Kellie Peek English 111, 86B Kate Hogue 09-03-2013 Paper 1 Drug Screen or Get Clean "Welfare Should Include Mandatory Drug Screening" was written by an unknown writer for Helium in 2010 whom expresses how strongly they support mandatory drug screening among welfare recipients. The writer was quoted as saying "This is one subject that gets me so heated" proving it thru out the entire reading. The unknown writer believes that welfare should be reserved for the people that lose jobs because of the economy or those that are disabled, not for drug addicts that don't want to work. Implementing mandatory drug screening for all welfare recipients is a highly debated issue that has many Americans, including myself, agreeing with the Author.…show more content…
They both argue that it would be humiliating to admit using prescription drugs. Such as, Viagra and Antidepressants. Mr. Piper argues that the cost of screening recipients would be to high. In addition, he states it may cause children to go hungry because parents will be afraid to renew or apply for food stamps because of the drug screening. He states that welfare should have an alternative rehab program. The unknown author lashes back by stating that drug screening recipients may help them into rehab or at least get them clean long enough to get welfare or employment. The unknown writer states that Mr. Piper is ridiculous and may need drug screened himself. Mr. Piper thinks drug addicts can hold jobs. The writer argues that drug addicts may hold a job at times, but eventually will lose that job due to their drug…show more content…
Welfare reform is worth the fight. Drug screening its recipients is a great start to a positive change. It may take some time but it can be done. Invasion of privacy, the cost of rehab, or it being risky for children because parents are afraid of the drug screening are just not good enough excuses for the government of ours not to drug screen its recipients. Ninety percent of the workforce has a drug screen policy, why not welfare. Save welfare for emergencies, not for drug addicts that don't want to work or can't because they their addiction comes first. The bottom line is get clean or you don't

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