Prehistoric to Modern Societies

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People in the 21st century are very knowledgeable. Technology has been a vital supplement to human evolution. However, if we compare life of a nomad and a life of man today, we will realize what we have lost. Nomadic people were closer to nature; they cooked with fire, wore animal skin as clothing and used tools obtained from nature. But men today have everything machine made; no extra effort is made to obtain goods. Men today are cutting trees down with the motive of building malls; they have become insensitive and apathetic towards nature. In the journey from Prehistoric to Modern societies, there is few common activities and beliefs which we still follow. Paintings in old time had values and purposes. But Paintings today are not functional yet the expression and motive remains the same. The Burial of dead people in the past and even now, is a religious ceremony that shows the religious beliefs and practices of mankind that are alive till date. It was believed that cavemen spoke a form of click language, which is still used today by the people in Africa. A click language is entirely based on sounds, rather than letters. The specific sounds “clip – clop” relates to horse and so on. Similarly, we still relate sounds to things around us or to convey a message. People who are blind are thought to relate things with sound. The important mode is the sound which was and is being used to communicate. The cavemen invented rafts which is highly used around the world. Technology has been a driving force in the development of the human civilization. Since cavemen discovered fire by rubbing two stones together, up until today where we have advanced technology to help meet our primary needs more easily and effectively, it has been instrumental in the progress of human society. There are various things which would have made nomadic people's life easier. Before fire was
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