Essay On Native American Religion

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REL 301 Essay 2 Native American Spirituality: Before and After Colonization of the New World Native American spirituality is rich in history and culture, with many of its traditions still practiced within tribes today. To understand the depth of the faith of Native Americans, one must take the time to learn about the various practices and rituals, and, most importantly, the meaning found behind them. Native American Indians have remained true to their roots, despite the numerous transitions and periods of adversity encountered over generations. From tribal dances to special blessings, rituals have remained strong and true, unshaken by changing times. When Europeans first settled in North America, there were more than 1,000 tribes native…show more content…
And the Kwakiutl perform ceremonies to forestall death. When that fails, they pray to the spirit to protect the; those left behind. This nature worship is rooted in Native Americans’ deep tradition of mythology, in which people are one with the land. While mainstream Western Christianity teaches of original sin and earth as a transitory place, Native American spirituality teaches that earth is our permanent home and there is no concept of heaven or division from God or other deities. Native American creation stories do not provide a viewpoint of humans having dominion over the earth. Tribal children instead are taught that they live in cooperation with plants and animals, and there must be a high level of mutual respect for anything to be done. A lack of reverence for the Earth can lead to dire consequences, such as drought or famine. Native Americans also view creation to be an ongoing process, never ending and always evolving. A spirit is found in all things. Even death. The Kwakiutl perform ceremonies to forestall death. When that fails, they pray to the spirit to protect the; those left

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