Porngraphy and Ethics

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Pornography and Ethical Theories Pornography is considered as a broad and artistic culture. It can also be considered a concept, and it is left to individuals, who both approve and disapprove of pornography, to judge how it may affect their personal values, morality and ethics. "Pornography" has been around since people learned to draw on cave walls and today it is widely available in print, video, text and on the internet. Pornography stems from the Greek words for porno, meaning prostitutes, and the word graphs, meaning writing (Hunt, (1993). Since the early Greek days the word has assumed various meanings. It has been difficult to define according to many historians (Kendrick, 1987). Pornography and obscenity certainly raises a few moral questions. Are pornographic materials morally objectionable or not? Is it right for the state to regulate access to pornographic material to consenting adults? When the personal or the public preference about the issues of pornography, it does pose a difficult dilemma. It requires that we find the right balance between competing moral values--the values of free choice and self-expression--and those of preventing harm and respecting human dignity. When one is trying to determine the differences between right and wrong and what actions are constituted as good or bad, the psychological foundation must first be determined in order to fully accept the outcome. In the case of pornography and ethics, it could be a psychosis that an individual inhabits that may be positive or negative, for the individual in question, the same can be said for the anti-pornographic stance. If an individual is to assess the moral value of pornography, ethical facts could be considered important in order to stress or de-stress the morality, rationality and irrationality of pornography. Ethical facts can also be considered ‘choices’. If an individual is to

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