Pollution In California Research Paper

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SOC, Wk 2 Activity-Assignment March, 14, 2013 Pollution in Richmond, California When chemical substances or energy to a natural environment surpasses, pollution is created. When these standard levels regulated by countries are exceeded, it can damage the ecosystem and living organisms. Various effects caused by pollution can be respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, throat inflammation, chest pain, congestion and sometimes death. This Chevron refinery of 2,900 acres in Richmond, California, was completed 1902. The plant contained 19 stills that could process 10,000 barrels of crude a day and had a tankage capability of 185,000 barrels in its first year of setup and it has over 1,300 employees. The company has had many struggles…show more content…
The samples were tested for the presence of 155 chemicals known to cause cancer in laboratory animals, respiratory diseases and endocrine system disorders, said Rachel Morello-Frosch, an associate professor at UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science and Policy Management and the School of Public Health. ( Bay City News, 2008) Roughly half of these samples were found to be over the safe quality standards of California which excludes the inside levels. Some of the pollution that was found by this analysis was from traffic toxics caused by highways but the greater part was from the oil refining. Much of these toxins are known to cause cancer and other harmful diseases to the populace. The refinery has devoted many millions of dollars in strategies to control pollution since its creations, yet before the safety regulations of the country were passed. Chevron Richmond refinery was already controlling its pollutant discharges on a conventional treatment system build in the 1960s and 1970s. The first stage of this system uses primary treatment to remove pollutants from water, largely by scanning the oil and hydrocarbons.
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