Political Philosophies In The 1980's

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The 1980’s are remembered for the political transformation of both the USA and the UK. Margret Thatcher (Thatcher) and Ronal Reagan (Reagan) were commonly referred to as political ‘soul mates’ and were known to have shared similar political philosophies and economic policies. In the following paper I will give a brief outline of their respective time in power and look at to what extent they were similar in policy, ideals and strategy. I will evaluate their success in terms of economic development and stability and conclude with whether they have been considered successful today. Margret Thatcher represented the right wing, Conservative Party and was elected into office on 4 May 1979. She served 3 terms in office and resigned as Prime Minister…show more content…
They both entered office with a declining economy on the brink of recession and their main aims were to secure the country’s wealth. Both Reagan and Thatcher sought to become financially stable economies and both achieved this largely by cutting income tax rigorously making it very difficult for any following administration to raise it thereafter. It was a noteworthy strategy of both administrations to reduce the power of the government. They did this by privatising nationally owned enterprise, dismantling the welfare state and reducing the power of the unions therefore transferring economic power form state back into private hands. Neither managed to curb public spending totally but they did manage to change attitude towards it which transferred to subsequent governments. Both were supporters of free trade and encouraged the international market to adopt the same attitude as both nations were displaying signs of prosperity. Both had economic eras named after them although Thatcherism had tight control of monetary policy and spending cuts as part of the package and Reaganomics allowed budget and trade deficits to grow Reaganomics resulted in sustained economic growth at an exceptional rate with manufacturing firms protected whilst Thatcherism resulted in a recession focussed on manufacturing industry followed by an unstainable service sector boom. Regan and Thatcher…show more content…
Success in this context has to be measured on wether both Reagan and Thatcher achieved their objectives which in both cases was to accomplish economic stability and prosperity. To do this I will use GDP, employment and consumption as a calculator. During the Reagan administration the USA experienced an annual average percentage growth of 3.2% and a totally percentage growth 80.9% . Employment went from 19.9 million to 35 million from 1983-1999 and consumption had a total annual percentage growth of 2.7% and a totally percentage growth of 56.0% . Thatcher’s administration saw and annual percentage growth of 2.7% and a total percentage growth of 69% . Employment plunged from 1.66 million in 1980 to 3.16milllion in 1984 to 2.1million in 1990 and inflation was 6.2% from 1981-1991. Consumer Price Index in the USA went from 47.85% in 1980 to 71.99% in 1989 and in the UK 39.27% in 1980 to 67.67% in 1989. So it can be concluded that both the Reagan and Thatcher governments in terms of economic growth and stability were successful in achieving their objectives. But in terms of public manner the UK experienced much civil unrest under the Thatcher Government and is remembered extensively for this uneasy time. Although Thatcher influence social policy and industrial relations the long term effect the economic policies were largely rejected. Reagonomics had little influence and did not seek to define

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