Police Misconduct Response

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Police Misconduct respone CJS 210 I would define Police brutality as excessive force by an officer to a suspect. For example, an officer grabbing a suspect and throwing them down on the hood of a police car, which is depicted sometimes in films, is an example of police brutality. Unless the suspect has displayed aggressive behavior, or is attempting to flee the scene, this action is excessive force, and unnecessary. The relationship between police brutality, corruption, and other misconduct are usually associated with officers with poor ethics. Education can be a factor in determining if an officer is going to be corrupt. Officers with higher education usually receive less complaints than officers with less education. Officers who use drugs can be more likely to participate in brutality, corruption and misconduct as well. My recommendations for decreasing brutality, corruption and misconduct by Police Officers would start with stricter standards for training and education. Some officers may benefit from training in Tolerance. Because of past experiences, officers may approach anyone who is dressed the part of a gang member aggressively. In some cases, the individual may just dress the part. It is important to approach a situation liker this cautiously. Be alert, not not overly-aggressive. Stricter educational standards will allow for new recruits to have the knowledge of dealing with sensitive issues in a professional manner, and create officers than carry a better sense of pride in their job because they worked harder to attain their position. This pride may make them more unlikely to participate in any form of

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