Plastic Bags Essay

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Plastic 2 Outline I. Introduction People throw huge number of discarded plastic bags away every day. Plastic bags pollution has been an increasing serious environmental problem. II. the background of plastic bags pollution Through long time degradation, these microscopic pieces of plastic bags are not going away. They pose potential threat to the land, ocean wildlife, and human beings. III. Do you know the effects of plastic pollution? A. It endangers to the atmosphere because incineration release bad chemicals. B. It pollutes the land sustainability. C. It chokes and starves marine animals. IV. How to reduce plastic pollution in some countries? Some controversies over whether plastic bags should be charged or not? A. Only a few plastic bags can be recycled. B. Japan began to tax on plastic bags. C. Washington. D. C. obtained huge plastic reduction by charging for grocery bags. V. Conclusion We should be serious about plastic bags pollution. The ultimate goal of charging plastic bags is to boost general’s environment awareness. Plastic 3 Plastic Bag Pollution It is undeniable that plastic bags have became indispensable in our daily life since introduced in the 1870s. People can not leave without them. They are used for holding and carrying food and produce. Like a friend, they are trying to be useful everywhere. However, have you ever concerned that these plastic bags has become a nuisance in our life? The amount of plastic waste has been increased rapidly during the past few years. Plastic bags litter brings bad effects on land and ocean environment. Governments are trying to find a new way to reduce plastic bags
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