Picture of Dorian Gray Summary

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Sybil, Dorian, Basil and Lord Henry gather together a the theatre, where they are greeted by the manager. Sybil enters the stage as Juliet and begins to a act. Her acting is terrible to watch. The audience is bored. Dorian is extremely disappointed and confused to what has happened to the girl he loves. Dorian and Sybil step aside to talk about her horrible performance. Sybil explains she will never act as well as she used to because she is in love with him. Dorian becomes frustrated and tells Sybil he does not love her anymore. When Dorian gets to his house he looks at the painting and thinks it looks different. He wish the painting would grow old but not him. The portrait has changed and Dorian is horrified if it has to do something with his soul. Lord Henry and Dorian talk about the painting and Dorian explains he doesn’t want his soul to turn hideous so he will marry Sybil. In the letter Lord Henry wrote to Dorian contains horrible news. The bad news is that Sybil is dead. Dorian takes a look at the painting and begins to hate on himself because it is his fault to what the painting has turned out to. The next morning Basil visits Dorian. He wants to see how he is feeling and what is going on in his head. Basil tells Dorian to sketch a picture of Sybil so he could have something to remember her. Basil believes its best for Dorian to keep the portrait but once he leaves Dorian immediately removes the painting. He hides the painting in the schoolroom in his house. Dorian takes a trip to the library to get his mind off of things that have been stressing him out. He finds a book that Lord Henry sent him. He begins reading the book and he becomes attached to it. Dorian is late for his meeting with Lord Henry because he doesn't stop reading. He apologizes to Lord Henry and explains he was wrapped up in the book. The book that Lord Henry gave Dorian has a huge impact
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