Picture Frustration Test

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Picture Frustration test The Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study (P-FS) is a semi-projective technique that has been widely used to assess patterns of aggressive responding to everyday stress. It was developed as a ‘method for exploring concepts of frustration theory and examining some dimensions of projective methodology’ (Rosenweig, 1945). Frustrations are common experiences in our lives. Frustration is defined as occurring whenever the organism encounters an obstacle or obstruction en route to the satisfaction of a need (Rosenzweig, 1944). In the general sense, it is well known that persons react to frustration with aggression. Modes of adjustment to frustrations are important for human behavior and personality organization. Combining pictorial and verbal material, the Rosenzweig’s Picture –Frustration Test was designed, in the late 1940s by Saul Rosenzweig, following his theory of aggression and frustration. It is a semi projective technique of personality diagnosis that has been successfully used for the past half century both as a clinical device and as an investigative procedure. A projective test is a personality test designed to let a person respond to ambiguous stimuli, presumably revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts. A semi-projective technique such as the P-F study itself is a type of test in which the stimulus presented to the client is semi-structured. This means that the stimulus is such that it is neither so vague that the client does not know what it is measuring nor so evident that the client is able to fake responses according to social desirability. The assumption is that neither projection alone nor conscious self-reporting alone can be a true reflection of a person’s pattern of coping with frustration in the environment. And hence, an amalgamation of both these phenomena is used in this test. Picture Frustration Test is such a
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