Personal Finance Essay

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Personal Finance Section 8: Study Questions (9 points) Instructions: Answer each question fully. Complete sentences are not necessary. Lesson 1 (3.0 points) 1. What is the Exit stage of a business? (0.5 points) When a business owner gets out of their day to day commitment to running the company. 2. What does the human resources department of a company do? (0.5 points) Interview process, negotiations, and signing contracts ,Employee benefits. 3. What is information utility? (0.5 points) The value added to a product by providing the consumer with useful information. 4. List the six stages of a business. (1.5 points) Identify, plan, start, opperate, improve,exit. Lesson 2 (3.0 points) 1. What is pass-through taxation? (0.5 points) Taxes on the companys income are paid on the personal tax forms of the companys owners. 2. What is an advantage of a sole proprietorship? (0.5 points) It’s the simplest and least expense type of business to set up or dissolve. 3. What is an S corporation? (0.5 points) A corporation with special tax status. Defined in subchapter s of the internal revenue code used by the IRS to determine the types of taxes this type of corporation must pay. 4. What is franchising? (0.5 points) A way of turning a company into a parent company with smaller retail outlets owned by independent operators. 5. What can happen to a business owner who has personal liability for their company? (0.5 points) If the company is sued or has unpaid bills, creditors may go after the owner's personal assets. 6. What is an entity? (0.5 points) A thing with distinct and independent existence. Lesson 3 (3.0 points) 1. Why does doing research help a company succeed? (0.5 points) It helps you understand the market and competition helps the company identify opportunities and predict challenges. 2. What is a target

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