Pennsylvania V. Reformitory System

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Pennsylvania System v. Reformatory System The Pennsylvania System was primarily established to us the solitary confinement form of punishment. In contrast, the Reformatory System uses rehabilitation techniques such as education and vocational training to help prisoners become better members of society. The first prison to apply the Pennsylvania System concept was the Eastern State Penitentiary. This penitentiary was designed by John Haviland and represented the first modern prison building in the United States. Haviland used the radial design concept that allowed cell blocks to radiate from a central surveillance hub. The exterior walls are 30 feet high with a dark, cold mid-evil design and 12 feet thick at the base. Each prisoner had their own privet cell running water, flushed toilets, central heating, and a skylight. Attached to their cell was an 8 x 12 foot exercise yard. Haviland used the architectural design of churches on the interior with 30-foot, barrel vaulted hallways, tall arched windows, and skylights throughout the prison (easternstate). The members of The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons proposed to build a penitentiary to create genuine regret and penitence. The purpose of the Penitentiary would not only be to punish the prisoner but create spiritual reflection and change. This concept was from the Enlightenment thinking and the method was a Quaker-inspired system isolating prisoners, with labor. The prisoners were hooded whenever they were outside their cells to prevent distraction, knowledge of the building, and even mild interaction with the guards (easternstate). The prisoners had only the skylight from the vaulted ceiling to do work, such as shoemaking or weaving and read the Bible. Besides solitary confinement there were other forms of corporal punishment if prisoners were caught communicating
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