Pearl Harbor Lead to the Fall of the Japan Empire

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September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland, starting World War Two. The United States of America wanted to stay neutral during this war. It was the Allies (Britain, France, Russia, Australia, and Belgium) against the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, and Romania). The war reached its two year point and the United States stayed clear away from being involved, but then on December 7, 1941, the Japanese Empire attacked American airfields and ship yards. The United States reaction to the bombing on Pearl Harbor leads to the fall of the Japan Empire, due to the United States involvement with the Doolittle Raid, Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and the Atomic Bombs. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt told the Joint Chief of Staffs to bomb the Empire of Japan. He wanted the Japan Empire to be bombed as soon as possible to boost patriotism throughout the United States. Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle planned and led the attack. Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle’s plan to attack the Japan Empire was to use B-25 aircrafts to drop on Japan and then to land in China were there would be Chinese Aircrafts to help guide and refuel the B-25s to the Chongqing Chinese military base. The aircraft carrier could get away without being destroyed because the B-25s did not come back to land on it. The B-25s were to take off 450 miles away from the coast of Japan. On the morning of April 2 1942 the USS Hornet, left the safety of the United States to bomb Japan. The USS Hornet 71 Officers and 130 Enlisted men were aboard. The USS Hornet held sixteen B-25s. The B-25s were modified so they would be able to take off on an aircraft carrier. The Doolittle Raid was the first and last time that a B-25 took off from an aircraft during a combat mission. In each aircraft there were four specially constructed 500 pound bombs. Three of the bombs were High

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