Patient Compliance Case Study

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Scenario 1—Asthma o What patient compliance issues are evident in this scenario? The patient compliance is the doctor telling the mother to take the medicine twice a day and use inhaler during emergencies. The doctor also stated to call for further questions. o What communication problems are contributing to the patient’s lack of compliance? The communication of the patients lack of compliance is that the mother did not call the doctor back to help clear up her questions and she jumped to conclusions and switched doctors and didn’t even try to get a hold of the doctor’s office for clarification. o How might the caregiver improve communication in a way that would promote patient compliance? The caregiver…show more content…
The communication problem was the dentist was unprofessional and should of took the matter differently and explained it differently. If the patient used the water pick the matter would have been seen from a different point of view. As for the dentist is looking at it that the patient is not willing to help herself and is only wanting him to fix the problem when it is convenient for her. o How might the caregiver improve communication in a way that would promote patient compliance? The dentist could have been more considerate and explain to the student that the whitening process can only be done certain times and cannot be done when it is important for her. Explanation of the water pick can help the patient understand that it will help her and she can improve her hygiene one her own instead of keep returning. Scenario 3—Physical Therapy o What patient compliance issues are evident in this scenario? The patient should listen to the doctor to help lower the triglycerides in his blood stream and this process will help lower his cholesterol. The patient listening to the doctor’s Advice about the special diet and to avoid red meat is very advisable for this process. While Nathan throws the diet sheet away he is not willing to help cure the

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