Partnership Working in Health & Social Care

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Partnership working has been a recurrent public policy for the last 40 years for health and social care; different solutions have been presented along the way, such as a single system by full integration. Current and previous attempts at partnership working have risen directly out underlying assumptions that underpin our current welfare system. 1940’s legislation set up the current welfare state that assumed it was easy to differentiate between those who were sick and had health needs, to those that were disabled and had social care needs. This underlying assumption has created very different organisations, with very different structures and ways of working, including all the subsequent complexities that partnership working entails. (Glasby, 2010 p.17-18) Being able to look and analyse the system that created partnership working may perhaps attempt to explain where these complexities began within social work, what that means to the profession and to service users, carers and the community. Developments in partnership working began in 1997, which was the year of Tony Blair’s New Labour landslide victory, with this came promises of reform across many different sectors such as education and employment. Within their manifesto were promises of rebuilding the NHS by increased spending on patient care and the seventh manifesto included a promise of building stronger communities, laying the foundations for a better welfare state and community care. (Party Manifestos, 1997 [online]) This change in government led to changes in community care policy. Modernising Social Care Services (DoH 1998) and the National Priorities Guidance (DoH 1998), set the scene for the modernisation agenda and the new formation of service delivery. This was to be based on partnership working rather than competition, and would involve driving up service quality through best value.
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