Overcoming Inclusion Quiz

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Overcoming Exclusion Quiz Natarsha Goldsmith ETH/125 01/20/2013 Thomas Liddick Overcoming Exclusion Quiz The elderly are considered a minority for various reasons. They were treated unequal at job and have been discriminated on because of their age. Somewhere not hired for fear of their age and the company feeling as though they will not get the work done or might miss work for their illnesses. Older adults do not interact with others as the younger generations they are more set in their ways and their social activities are differently. With younger generations it is all about the Internet and social Medias whereas with the older generation they still watch the daily news and read the newspaper. With the minority for the older you…show more content…
all of these 14. AARP stands for the a. American Association of Retired Persons. b. Allied Association of Retired People. c. Aged Active Responsible Persons. d. Anti-Ageist Response Program. 15. The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, founded in 1982, unsuccessfully lobbied Congress to a. have universal healthcare coverage for the elderly. b. begin a Minority Affairs Initiative. c. keep Medicare benefits for the ailing poor elderly. d. recognize that low-income elderly often are the least represented. 16. One of the conflicts the text cites as emerging along generational lines is a. younger people are increasingly unhappy about paying social security taxes. b. federal subsidy of retirement homes cuts into student financial aid for higher education. c. the fact that many colleges allow older people to take classes for free means younger students are paying higher tuition. d. the increased threat of youth violence against the…show more content…
the disabled already receive too much special treatment. 30. The term _________ refers to building private homes to be accessible for people with disabilities. a. visitability b. handicapping c. ramp instillation d. wheelability 31. Homosexuality became visible in the U.S. a. with the military policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” b. in the 1920s and 1930s. c. after World War II. d. during the Civil Rights movement. 32. As homosexuality has become more visible, efforts to suppress it have become more a. repressed. b. fragmented. c. institutionalized. d. individualized. 33. Fear and prejudice toward homosexuality is called a. sexism. b. heterosexism. c. homophobia. d. sexual discrimination. 34. According to the text, which of the following is true about homophobia today? a. It leads to the stereotyping of gays and lesbians in television and motion pictures. b. People openly avoid
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