Outline and Evaluate the Effect of Age on the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony

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Ify Detailed plan of 12 mark question on Eyewitness testimony and age -Outline and evaluate research into the effect of age on eyewitness testimony *Aim - To investigate if age has an effect on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. *Procedure - (Key study of the effect on age on eyewitness testimony) -Valentine and Coxon (1997) Method - Three groups of participants of different age groups (children, young adults and elderly people) watched a video of a kidnapping and were then asked a series of leading and non-leading questions about what they had seen. Findings - Both the elderly and the children gave more incorrect answers to non-leading questions. - Children were misled more by leading questions than adults or the elderly. Conclusion - Age has an effect on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. *Evaluation Methodological strengths -This was a lab experiment and this means there was a high control of variables. This is a good thing as it means it is reliable and if replicated, similar results will be obtained. Methodological weaknesses -This study lacks external validity as it is artificial and will not arouse the participants in the same way that they would have been if they were faced with the same situation in real life. Therefore the finding cannot be used as and indication of what may happen in reality. - The participants may act in a certain way in order to be deemed as acceptable by other participants or the psychologist - Investigator effects - The researcher may, on an unconscious level, behave in a way that changes the behaviours or the participants. - Demand characteristics - Things that encourage participants to act in a certain way (realising the aim of the study) Supporting studies Parker and Carranza (1989) P : Participants saw a slide sequence of a mock crime and were asked to identify a target person
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