Othello - Weakness

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The power to use another person and to manipulate them requires great skill. Manipulation in the Shakespearean play Othello is made to look easy by Iago, who uses Othello’s weaknesses to manipulate with great ease. Iago uses Othello’s emotions against him, in order to spark a reaction out of the ordinary. Tragedy is defined as a drama or literary work in which the main character is bought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances, according to http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tragedy. William Shakespeare's "Othello" presents all of the elements of a great tragedy as stated above. For much of the tragedy, Othello is acknowledged as an accomplished soldier and leader, “the noble moor,” one who is calm, respects others and is strong. However, his weaknesses for his beloved Desdemona and in his belief in the military system were exploited by Iago to acquire vengeance.

Othello’s no less than perfect reputation is created by his noble and exotic life. Regardless of this , his weaknesses are too great not to be used at ease for manipulation. He has a tragic flaw, excessive pride and passion for his beloved Desdemona. His other weakness such as his trusting nature, an inclination towards jealousy and inability to control his emotions all lead towards his downfall. Manipulation by Iago ultimately leads to Othello’s downfall. However, his misfortune is not entirely deserved. One might say his punishment exceeds the crime, in which case he is admirable in the eyes of the viewer. Before Othello’s tragic death a catharsis is produced, and Othello has gained self- knowledge. A tragedy, such as Othello creates a shared, common experience.

Some might say that Othello’s tragic flaw is his jealousy however others may argue that jealousy is not a

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