Ordeal By Cheque Analysis

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“Ordeal By Cheque” By: Julia Baer There once was this lady named Meredith, and she was around 24 years old. She was 12 months pregnant. She also had a husband named Brad that was around the same age as her. One day they decided they needed to start buying baby products for their infant coming in a few weeks. They spent a good amount in the store but it was just because they weren’t prepared. A few weeks after, Meredith was rushed to the hospital to give birth to her 8 pounds 7 oz. baby boy named Luke. A month later she had to attend the physician’s office to make sure everything was doing well with her and her infant. A couple of months after she realized her child had no toys to play with so she took him to the toy company to pick out a few toys, and ended up getting a ton! 7 years…show more content…
Brad and Meredith had to attend a court the day after to work everything out and to sign paper work. Luke was so shocked at how things were going so fast! To make things a little better for Luke, him and his new wife Elizabeth built there dream home and moved in right away! They had to hire a wall/smith to do a little decorating around the house to make it look a little more presentable. To surprise Elizabeth Luke hired a chief for her and his anniversary; he was supposed to be the best in town! A couple weeks later they went on a trip to the mountains and found tons of items for their home and what do you know the same chief that cooked for them for their anniversary had a restaurant in the mountains, so they ate at his restaurant and it tasted just as good as the first time they had it! 8 years later Luke had to get major surgery on his back because he had been having back problems for years, he was terrified he had never had surgery in his life. Couple days later, the doctor had to check on him to make sure everything was going well, and thankfully everything went well in surgery and he was fine. The day after he had found out that his father

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