Oedipus' Blindness

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Though Oedipus’ stubbornness and persistence seems like a good character trait, but in the end his stubborn nature leads to his eventual misery and pain. He dives blindly into his search for the truth, not understanding what agony the truth would bring him. The people around him try to steer him away, but he is undeterred. Oedipus is shown as a man with great wisdom and power, but in the end he is a blind man bound to his cursed fate. “The truth will set you free.” This is a common saying in the world. Oedipus struggles with the truth the entire story. He wishes so bad to see the truth of his past, and when he does put the pieces together, he wishes he was blind to it. Oedipus overestimates his own wisdom, thinking he is above the gods. He thinks of Teiresias’ warning to him as folly, not trusting in the blind prophet. But in reality this blind prophet knows more about Oedipus’ past then he does. In truth, Oedipus is the blind one. Sight and blindness play a huge role in this story. While Oedipus is blind to the truth of his past, many of those around him know of his terrible fate. Even Teiresias, the blind prophet, knows of Oedipus’ cursed past. When Oedipus discovers his fate and what he did, he blinds himself. So in blindness Oedipus has seen the truth, and when Oedipus was able to see, he was blind to the truth. The stark contrast between Oedipus and Teiresias is a testimony to Oedipus’ character and how irony will get the best of Oedipus. Teiresias is a blind prophet who comes to Oedipus with the knowledge of Oedipus’ past deeds. He approaches Oedipus in silence, not telling him what he knows. This angers Oedipus and he blindly accuses Teiresias for killing Laius. With the truth being inside the “blind” prophet, Oedipus is seen as mentally blind due to the fact he does not believe Teiresias. In his stubbornness Oedipus becomes more and

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