Nursing Concepts Lab Test

1897 Words8 Pages
Juan Cucul
Nursing concepts lab test 1

1. Explain 3 differences between medical and surgical asepsis.
Medical asepsis *procedures used to reduce the number of organism present
*prevent the transfer of organisms
*Clean technique
Surgical asepsis
*sterile technique
*prevent contamination of an open wound
*serves to isolate the operative area from the unsterile environment 2. Differentiate between nosocomial infection, iatrogenic infection and an HCIA.
Nosocomial infection * Infection that is acquired during the time of stay at a hospital.
Iatrogenic infection * An infection caused by accidental medical actions.
* Infections that are acquired as a result of healthcare interventions.

3. Explain how a nosocomial infection may manifest after the client has been discharged from hospital.
The disturbing fact is that the average duration of inpatient admissions has decreased while the frequency of HAIs has increased.4, 5 The true incidence of HAIs is likely to be underestimated as hospital stays may be shorter than the incubation period of the infecting microorganism (a developing infection), and symptoms may not manifest until days after patient discharge. Patients receiving followup care or routine care after a hospitalization may seek care in a nonacute care facility. The reporting systems are not as well networked as those in acute care facilities, and reporting mechanisms are not directly linked back to the acute care setting to document the suspected origin of some infections. Thus resulting in the persistent of the infection.

4. Describe 2 nursing interventions for each link of the chain of infection that prevents the transmission of infections.
Etiologic agent reservoirportal of exitmethod of transmissionportal of entrysusceptible host
Etiologic agent- a

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