Ntc 360 Week 3 Individual

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Use short answers to explain the difference between: 1. Synchronous and asynchronous Synchronous and asynchronous describe how data bits are transmitted and received particularly when discussing modems. Asynchronous communication refers to a communication method that is not dependant on particular timing scheme. The sending modem transmits each data bye into ones and zeros using start and stop bits to differentiate between the data bytes. The receiving modem uses the start and stop bytes to interpret the different data bytes. Essentially the sending computer sends that data in one continuous stream to be interpreted by the receiving computer. Unlike synchronous communication, asynchronous communication depends on specific timing schemes. Two coordinated devices separate groups of bits and transmit them in frames. As the name implies, both modems must be synchronized for this method of communication to be successful. Another difference is that synchronous modems were designed for use over regular telephone lines, whereas asynchronous modems were not and depend largely on leased lines environments with dedicated circuits (Dean, 2003). 2. Analog and digital Analog and digital refer to specific signal types, which is an electronic current that carries information. An analog signal refers to an electromagnetic signal that varies in strength as speed over the course of its transmission. The visual interpretation of an analog signal is a continuous line with peaks and valleys or voltage over time. The most important characteristics of an anaolog signal are the amplitude – the signal strength – and frequency – the number of cycles. A digital signal is not a continuous, varying wave but rather is composed of individual voltage pulses. The digital signal consists of either 1 (on) or 0 (off). Each 1 or 0 represents a bit. Computers can only interpret

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