No Impact Man Chapter Summaries

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No Impact Man Chapter Summaries Chapter 1: How a Schulb Like Me Gets Mixed Up In a Stunt Like ThisIn this Chapter Beavan is introducing his life and his views on the human society. He is a do good liberal who was raised with only the necessities. After analyzing several aspects of his life, he realizes that he was asking too much of the people around him and not enough of himself. He begins to hear about global warming in the news and he knows that people have to change the way they live. One day Colin realizes that his “problem might not be the state of the world. [His] problem was [his] inaction”. Later, Beavan meets with his literary agent and tells him that he does not want to write history anymore. Instead, Beavan wants to write about what is important. With this said, Beavan decides to write about his yearlong commitment to no impact man, where he will attempt to have no environmental impact whatsoever. Beavan sets up stages for himself and his family, and he decides to balance out the negative impact he and his family could not eliminate with positive impact, like cleaning rivers and donating money to charities. He embarks in a no-impact lifestyle and there was no going back.Chapter 2: Day One and the Whole Thing Is a Big MistakeBeavan begins to doubt his commitment. He is distraught when he simply wants to blow his nose but does not know what to use. Beavan thinks he is making a mistake and that living without any impact will be nearly impossible. However, Beavan then states that the point of the project is to develop his environmental experience from start, rather than starting off with all the answers. Beavan goes on to find alternate ways for tissues and diapers for his baby girl, Isabella. Beavan decides to use a handkerchief as tissues and cloths as diapers. Next, the public begins to doubt Colin and his endeavors. He understands that no impact man

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