No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001 Pros And Cons

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The No Child Left behind Act of 2001 is the proverbial ball and chain on today’s public schools. Its creation had a noble concept which was to ensure the education of all children in the United States regardless of race, class, or economic status; but because of the strict requirements and rigid guidelines, the NCLB act restricts educators in many ways and encourages, even rewards, teachers to teach their students to score well on tests instead of teaching to learn. As parents and educators know from firsthand experience, uniformity of any kind when it comes to children is not possible, but the NCLB expects all schools by the year 2014 to have a 100% of their students pass their state assessments in math and reading, a daunting task with…show more content…
My youngest daughter, Grace, since the start of her academic career, has struggled with both reading and mathematics. Having qualified for learning disabilities, she struggles every day with comprehension of basic math concepts but she does have other strengths that are overlooked because mathematics and language are the subjects that are important for schools to have their children master. According to college professor Wanda Hendrick, “the pressure to increase the importance of test scores has had negative effects on the curriculum of the schools. Instead of learning, an overwhelming focus on reading and mathematics suppress student and teacher creativity, problem solving, and the decline in science, music, and art activities.” (Hendrick). There are many ways to measure a child’s progress in school, but the one size fits all methods of standardized testing does not work effectively. Some schools have chosen to use a customized assessment solution such as the Northwest Evaluation Association, or NWEA. The NWEA, a national nonprofit organization, “uses researched-based educational growth measures, professional training, and consulting services, to improve teaching and learning and works closely with school districts to work toward a uniform strategy that serves individual student needs” (Gamble-Risley). Availability of an…show more content…
Creating a Title I program and forming head-start preschools for children in underprivileged school systems was the goal of the ESEA. Through subsequent reauthorizations the ESEA has continued to assist schools throughout the United States. In 2001, the NCLB was an add- on to the ESEA and its purpose was to enforce the states standards in performance of students and the quality of teachers used to teach those students. Overall, the NCLB act should be a push in the right direction for our state’s schools, but the funding originally budgeted for this program along with the standardized tests being used to gauge the states progress are both poorly designed. Tests have always been a way to measure ones performance, but may not show the entire picture. A good analogy of this is found in an article by Sharon Nichols and David Berliner comparing schools to the business community. Business dominates a great deal of American life through its influence on the media and on a range of policy on all levels of government, so it makes sense to the policy makers to use business models and apply those to our schools. Ways were found to monitor productivity by testing it, to try and increase productivity, and do so by spending the least amount of money possible (Berliner). In

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