Never Let Me Go Quotes Analysis

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Never Let Me Go Quotes Conflict 1. “Then there were rumours almost every day of pranks that had been played in him. A lot of these were the usual stuff- weird things in his bed, a worm in his cereal-but some of it sounded pointlessly nasty.” (page 15) In the beginning of the story tommy was getting bullied often because people enjoyed seeing him throwing a tantrum. 2. “ I got angry then because ait was one thing to play this game in front of veterans; quite another when it was just the two of us, in the middle of a serious talk” (page 189) Ruth is trying to forget about Hailsham and for any conversation Kathy brings up anything to do with Hailsham, Ruth just responds blankly. Kathy is get mad at her and one time she snapped.…show more content…
“A boy had had a big row with his friends and run off beyond Hailsham boundaries. His body had been found two days later, u in those woods, tied to a tree with the hands and feet chopped off” (page 50) There had been many rumors about the woods and if you were to past the boundaries of Hailsham bad things would happen. 7. “The Cottages were the remains of a farm that had gone out of business for years. There was an old farmhouse, and around it, barns, outhouses, stables all converted for us to live in. There were other building, usually the outlying ones, that were virtually falling down…” (page 116) This quote describes the setting of the cottage. The cottage is where Kathy and a group of kids lived after they left Hailsham. 8. “[…] with its gleaming tiles and double-glazed windows that seal at the twist of a handle…” (page 218) This is when tommy is in Kingsfield and tommy is in his recovery room. 9. “I don’t know how it was where you were, but at Hailsham we had to have some form of medical almost every week – usually up in room 18 at the very top of the house...” (page 13) Every week the students of Hailsham had to get a weekly check up by Nurse Trisha 10. “[…] at Hailsham, we had our own ‘lost corner’ up on the third floor, where the lost property was kept[…]”(Page
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