Nevada Suicide Trends

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State Research - Elements that influence State Government Interest Group News Piece - Suicide Trends and Prevention in Nevada Suicide has been around for as long as human society and it continues to challenge our collective wisdom. Each year about 1 million people commit suicide worldwide. Every year some 30.000 Americans end their lives by suicide, and approximately 650,000 people receive emergency treatment after attempting suicide. Every 41 seconds someone in the U.S. Attempts suicide; every 16.7 minutes, someone completes suicide; and every day over 85 people die by suicide. Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death in the U.S. And the third leading cause of death among Americans youth. Over the last 100 years, suicide in the U.S. Has out-numbered homicide by at least 3 to 2. Almost 4 times as many Americans died by suicide during the Vietnam War era as died in the course of military action. The federal government has shown concern for high suicide rates in this country since at least the beginning of the 20th century. However it was not until the 1960's that our society began to develop a national strategy for combating suicide. In 1963 John F. Kennedy signed a bill creating community mental health centers throughout the country. During the signing ceremony he pointed out that “the mentally ill can no longer be alien to our affection or beyond the help of our communities.” In 1969, The U.S. Congress established the National Institute of mental Health to aid…show more content…
and 2003, the overall rate in Nevada With 19.1 suicides per 100,000 residents in 2000, Nevada rate was almost twice the National average of 10.7. Between 1993 and 2003, the overall rate in Nevada steadily declined from 25.8 to 18.5, but remained about twice the national

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